Christmas, Christmas Time is Near!
The Xmas spirit hit me hard a week ago when I was picking up random groceries at Walmart. There to distract me with all of their exuberant glory, was the cutest Christmas card set that I've ever seen so of course I had to get them. Then, I made the mistake of going into the Christmas section and fell in love with a wrapping paper set. How anyone falls in love with wrapping paper is beyond me, but somehow my heart managed to figure it out. So here I was, a week before Thanksgiving with Christmas cards and wrapping paper but no gifts. Well that all changed today. I decided to browse online for some items and like magic I found a plethora of gifts that would be perfect for my friends and family. It's a shame but on one of the sites, I bought two presents for other people and three presents for myself. It's terrible I know, but at least these people can be assured that the things I bought them were nice enough that I had to have one for myself. Then I found the perfect gift for my brother on eBay. I put in my bid in today and I pray that no one else makes a bid because his gift is coming all the way from Australia and the shipping costs more than the actual item, but I think it's worth it. It's a unique item, and I don't think he would be able to get it in the States. The only person that I still have to buy for now is my mother, and I have only a vague idea of what to get her. I'm thinking a book or something to do with Egyptology because she loves that stuff, but I'm still undecided. Hopefully, I can get my mother a great present and decorate my home to the extreme without credit card statement screaming bloody murder at me in January.
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