Welcome to My Living Novel

In my world, the plot is always thickening.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Green Day Says It Best

Since September is about to end, I guess it’s time for me to wake up and get back to work. It’s really quite pitiful to see the lazy fur ball I’ve become, especially when there are so many productive things I could be doing. I should be working on my book, finding a better job, or trying to better myself in some shape or fashion. So today I make a resolution (which I will probably break tomorrow) to work harder and to no longer waste the minutes and hours of my day, but to paste them together constructively to form a beautiful papier-mâché piñata, which will eventually rain a storm of prizes on top me.

Gosh, all of this resolution making is making me tried. I guess September is not really over til Saturday. Maybe I’ll just take a little nap for old times sake until then.


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