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In my world, the plot is always thickening.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

"You're Beautiful"

I never thought anything would come from giving him my number. He lived so far away and I was already dating someone else at the time. Now, I'm beginning to wonder about the possibilities of this man who I dismissed before I even gave him a chance to prove me wrong, who has suddenly become someone I kind of admire in a very quiet and subtle way.

We met at a June wedding, and at the time I didn't see anything particularly special about him. He was very handsome, but also a little arrogant and out to impress. I probably only gave into to his request because of the wedding atmosphere bustling around me, because weddings really make you want to see the good in people and for a brief 10 minutes I guess I saw some good in him.

Anyway, we talked and emailed but he never made an attempt to make us more than friends, which was a refreshing change from the norm. He both fascinated and infuriated me with his opinions and would bring me out of my quiet shell, even causing me to raise my voice a few times, something I very rarely do. He was macho and I hated macho. He seemed always angry at everything, and I can't stand to be around perpetually angry people. He was so not for me, and I was glad that there was 350 miles between us.

But for reasons, that I don't understand. He has changed. Maybe it was his internship in Massachusetts, maybe it was my good influence, or maybe it was just time. Whatever it was I'm sure glad that it happen because he has truly changed for the better. He even called me on his lunch break to sing me his new favorite song, "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. He said that he heard for the first time this morning on his clock radio. He said that he was thinking of me and the song just fit. Of course, he didn't really know the words during his mid-day serenade, but that really didn't matter to me. Even though it's cliche, it really was the thought that counted.

Some things will never change though. He's still a great debater and still has ideas that both fascinate and infuriate me, but I'm pleased to say that he is no longer angry or macho or any of those things that annoy me to the point of aversion. He's seriously making my heart flutter just a little bit and forcing me to reconsider my previous dismissal. Most likely nothing will become of it, but it's so wonderful just to talk, romance, fantasize, and dream about all the possibilities that have popped into existence so suddenly.


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