(Insert the Sound of Me Screaming with Excitement)
I just had the best job interview ever! I’m up for a research analyst position with a company that is doing a temporary study hoping to find a better way to diagnosis mental illnesses. My task will be to recruit participants and administer an experimental assessment test and to occasionally administer the SCID (Structured Clinical Interview, which I do pretend to be knowledgable about). This project will only last for four months, but there is a chance that it could develop into a permanent position working on a methamphetamine study.
I have no idea why these two studies sound so interesting to me because I have no experience working with mental illnesses or meth users. However, I almost exploded out of my skin with joy when my interviewers talked about the studies, and I wanted to hug each of them for even considering me for such a great opportunity. I know it’s a bit ridiculous to be as excited as I am about a position that is not a sure thing, but I can’t help feeling like this job was meant for me and that all of my past experiences have lead me to this wonderful place. Cross your finger, your legs, and your eyes for me because I want this one more than any other I’ve ever tried to get.
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