Welcome to My Living Novel

In my world, the plot is always thickening.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Las Vegas Here I Come

The hotel has been booked and the plane tickets purchased. It is official. In two short months, I will be frolicking in Sin City and causing all sorts of mischief. On my honor, I promise not to sleep with any prostitutes, but other than that I make no guarantees.

I'm going to Vegas for a mini class reunion with two of my college friends. I'm especially excited to see my hubby again. When we were sophomores, we pretend to get married in front of one of the chapels on the strip and have been play man and wife ever since. Although our return to Vegas is completely coincidental, I'd like to believe that we are returning to celebrate our fourth anniversary and reconfirming our imaginary love to the world, but who am I kidding. I'm probably destined to go temporarily insane while salsa dancing and run off with someone named Pablo so if you don't hear from me for a while just know that I'm in a better place.

I, of course, plan to gamble as well, but I will make no grandiose assumptions about how much money I will win. Considering the fact that I'm still a new born baby when it comes to gambling, I don't even expect to give the house a run for their money. I just want to take some gambling lessons, so I can build up the courage to sit at a table that does not have electric lights and flashing buttons, and play nicely with others. I'm not asking for much, so please universe answer this one request.

All of the other things such as the eating, drinking, dancing, and the having of scandalous liaisons I can pretty much take care of myself. I just hope that my eyes don't get bigger than my wallet.

(If you have any favorite spots in Vegas to eat, gamble, or go dancing, please let me know. I might add them to my list.)


At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

VEGAS??!!! Sounds like fun...tell everyone hello!

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Girliedydy said...


Thanks for the comment on my page. I just came from vegas for New Years and here are my few .

Cheap gambling: Saraha ( I probally misspelled)
Great looks: Bellagio,Paris
Great place to buy a car if you hit is big: Wynn ( Ferrari shop!!)
Great place to get random people: the strip it's self
Good place to see new TV shows: MGM Grand
Clubs: Rain ( can't say I have had the joy of going to more)

If you're a newbie at the table some dealers are nice to tell you how to play or even some of the pro's will help you out. But, mostly if you are friendly and chatty you'll meet a lot of great people at the tables which makes it very fun to keep playing, Yet you'll need to watch out that you don't get too comfy cause you might spend more and get way wasted. I swear the watress come wiht drink every 30 seconds and they want you to tip them for bring you the drink.

Have a great time!

Whats done in Vegas stays in Vegas!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Tony Grant said...

Hey saw you on Nykki's blog, thought I'd come by and check your blog. It's nice. Vegas is the place to be!!! Tell all the women I say hello.

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how was Vegas?? Hope you had a good time. :-)


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