Welcome to My Living Novel

In my world, the plot is always thickening.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Trivial Details of My Death

The micro-seconds of my existence slowed down to a standstill earlier today as I almost got into a car accident, and though I'm sure the accident would not have been fatal, thoughts of death consumed me for quite a while afterwards.

Everyone always says that your life flashes in front of your eyes in near death experiences, but that's not what happened to me. The first thing I asked myself was if all of my affairs were in order, and they were so I was able to rest easy on that one. Then, of course, I had to ask myself the infamous do I have on clean underwear question, and once again that was taken care of. However, the third question that I asked myself truly surprised me because it was both trivial and poetic at the same time. I asked myself if I was listening to the best music selection for my death, and the answer to that question was no. I was not willing to die listening to Fiona Apple. I mean I love you Fiona, but the moment of my death is sacred and I'm sure that I could find a better storyteller to play the soundtrack.

I wasn't worried about my music selection solely for myself either. I was also thinking about my family and friends who may find meaning in the details. I remember hearing a poem once by Big Poppa E called, "There's a Hole in My Heart in the Shape of Her Smile that Will Never Be Filled," which is about a friend of his who was instantaneously killed in a very violent car crash. He made a big deal about the CD that was playing in the stereo at the time of the crash, guessing the lyrics she might have been singing along to when she died. To me adding that extra detail to the poem made all the difference in the world. It made her crash less of a statistic and more of the heartbreaking tragedy it truly was. And though once I publish this entry, I will probably never think these morbid thoughts again, I just hope that should I ever die in a car crash that the universe at least let it happen to a good song.


At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car accident collisions are freakly. Thankfully, I'm here after getting hit pretty hard, but all I remember are blinding lights, and mouthing the words "oh, shit!" before I got smashed. The thing was, after getting hit, I know that my car did a 360 but it's like... if I were an outsider, it was a static image and everything was frozen and stopped in my car. I couldn't see a thing. I just remember mouthing and then stopping moments later, blurred a bit, and wondering where the hell all the other cars went.

And car steps, and a great big exhale as dude soaked in rain yells "are you alright?"

No, you son of a bitch! I just wanted to make it home in one piece and you almost thwarted that plan.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Girliedydy said...

K: I have been in two pretty awful car accident and each time I did not think of death I was just hoping it would end soon. Now that I am in a car I get edgy because i am fearful that the person will hit me and I'll have to go through the pain of rehab again. Anywho, glad you made it back from vegas and I hope you had a great time. !

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Girliedydy said...

if I was going to die and music is playing I'd like it to be lenny kravitz I wanna fly away

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Kendra said...


It's so freaky to me that you would choose Lenny Kravitz, because he's on my all time favorite artist list and I wouldn't mind biting the dust to his music either. However, I don't think that I could just choose one song or one artist. It would have to be a slow bittersweet melody though. Maybe something Radioheadish...it's just to eerie thinking about these things. I must stop now.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Girliedydy said...


I love a lot of Lenny's songs even before people started knowing who he was, yet I would have to agree with you that I could not just be one song because I love so many but his stuck with me the most because I catch myself humming it a lot. Ha ha it is eerie to think about music selctions for death but I guess it's bound to happen.

Yeap must stop no creepy thought to intude my day!

take care

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Gave you a link on my blog.


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