Welcome to My Living Novel

In my world, the plot is always thickening.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Life is a road trip, and this year has been nothing but one big detour. I’m grateful for the experiences, and all the lessons learned, but I truly regret losing track of my final destination, losing track of my goals for the future.

I’m letting job stability get in the way of creativity, becoming a little too complacent with the status quo. At work all I have to do is show-up, complete a menagerie of simple tasks, and like clock work I get my reward. Instant gratification spoils a girl, and the idea slaving over fruitless words day after day has lost its appeal to me. Don’t get me wrong, I would still like to be a writer, it’s just hard to find the motivation to live alone inside my own head when it’s so much easier to make bread in other ways.

Also, I’ve let boy drama distract me, picking up hopeless hitch-hiker after hitch-hiker. These men were just as clueless as I, yet I naively thought that they would be good company, or that they could somehow help me through my journey. In the end, each hitch-hiker that I met took me in the wrong direction. By now, I must be a thousand miles from my destination, but I’m not lost. I know all the roads that I need to take to get back on track. I just need to stay on the main road, avoid the detours, and avoid letting another hitch-hiker steer me the wrong way.


At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was up late and ran across some of your old comments on my blog. I saw the entry on how we suck as writing buddies, haha. Tell you what, though. If you're not busy and I'm not busy and we both have run out of excuses, let's keep in blog touch. You know, comment on each other with some kinda regularity. You think that'll work out?

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww. Sweet. I've got your blog Live Bookmarked so whenever you post something new, I get the link to those entries. Love Firefox for that.

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Poker Tools said...

Thanks for an explanation, I too consider, that the easier, the better ??¦


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